On the Beach
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A carte de viste from 1864 showing the crew and lifeboat on the beach
A selection of postcards showing people on the beach.
On the Sands – 1920’s
The Sands – Royal Hotel and Tower Building.
A crane can be seen to the left, building the new promenade.
A busy day on the sands
A similar view to the above, but quieter !
Yachting – c.1921
Oyster Sellers on the sands
South Shore beach scene between Dean Street and Station Road
Punch & Judy show. c.1905
Ventriloquist with a large crowd watching. c.1904
A great looking beach scene with hot tea sellers
A busy beach scene from 1906 showing the boat men taking people out to the boats
A scene of children paddling in the pools
Central Beach – 1905
The Carlin Stone
Bishop of Manchester with group
Bishop of Manchester meeting people
Donkeys on the beach opposite the Tower
Jovial spirits on the sands
Carnival revellers on the beach
A very crowded scene, probably during the summer time
F. PEENEY selling jugs of tea – Central Beach – 1935
A horse drawn refreshment caravan in the shape of a teapot.