Hippodrome – Summer Season Programmes

27 December 2024

King Revel – 1938 – Programme

Sandy Powell, Douglas Wakefield, Norman Evans, Nat Gonella



King Revel – 1938 – Brochure

Norman Evans, Douglas Wakefield, Sandy Powell and Gloria Gilbert



Coconut Grove – 1948

Josef Locke, Jimmy Jewel, Ben Warriss, The Five Smith Brothers, Gloria King, Evie and Joe Slack, Ken Whitmer



Coconut Grove – 1949

Jewel and Warriss, Josef Locke, Julie Andrews, Wally Boag and Jean Carson.

Julie Andrews (born Julia Wells) first appeared in the town in July 1949, at the Hippodrome, in the show “Coconut Grove – entertainment in the modern manner”. Josef Locke topped the bill, with Jean Carson, Jimmy Jewel and Ben Warriss, and Wally Boag (the balloon-artist from “Starlight Roof”). Young Julie was billed as “the Melody of Youth”.



Fiesta at the Coconut Grove – 1950 – Brochure

Jewel and Warriss, Robert Wilson, Elsa and Waldo, Bob Bromley and Henry Lytton



Fiesta at the Coconut Grove – 1950 – Programme



Moulin Rouge – 1951 – Brochure



Moulin Rogue – 1951 – Programme

Vic Oliver and Josef Locke



Life with the Lyons – 1952 – Brochure



Life with the Lyons – 1952 – Programme

Bebe Daniels, Ben Lyon and Diana Dors



Latin Quarter – 1953 – Brochure

Max Bygraves, Winifred Attwell, Hylda Baker



Latin Quarter – Luxury Musical – 1953 – Programme

Hylda Baker, Winifred Atwell, Patrick O’Hagan and Max Bygraves


Turned out Nice Again – 1954 – Brochure

George Formby, Albert and Les Ward, Jimmy James, Joan Hind, Les Trio Dorre, Margo Henderson and Sam Kemp.


Turned out Nice Again – 1954 – Programme

George Formby, Albert and Les Ward, Jimmy James, Joan Hind, Les Trio Dorre, Margo Henderson and Sam Kemp.



The Dickie Valentine Show – 1955

Dickie Valentine, Bonar Colleano, Babs Adams, Bill Adams, Anna Alexis



This’ll Make You Laugh – 1956

Tessie O’Shea, Arthur Worsley, Sabrina and Nat Jackley


Rocking with Laughter – 1957

Ken Dodd, Stan Stennett and Jill Day


Light Up the Town – 1958

Jack Storey, Winifred Atwell, Michael Holliday, The Nitwits, The Kaye Sisters, The Skylons and Baker and Douglas.


The Army Game – 1959

Ted Lune, Alfie Bass, Norman Rossington, Bill Fraser, Michael Medwin, Rosemary Squires, Fredianis, Albert and Les Ward, Saveen, Kenneth Wynne and Michael Stainton



Seeing Stars – 1960

Adam Faith, Lana Sisters, Emile Ford, The Checkmates, The John Barry Seven


Rose Marie – 1961 – Final Summer Season for the Hippodrome

 David Whitfield

The last night of this show was on 9th September 1961


There was no Summer Season for programme 1962, the theatre was altered prior to it re-opening as the New ABC Theatre in 1963.

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